3rd-5th Problem Solving: “Trick or Treat!” (x)

Know what the SCARIEST thing in math is?

Just imagine this haunting scene:

One of your kiddos is working on a real world problem. They are plugging along and then all of sudden they FREEZE and get that look in their eyes. You know the one. 😳

The, "Uh oh, I don't know this ________!!!!" (step to solve, addition combination... you get the idea)

We've all seen it!

And we have seen what happens next: GHOST-TOWN-SHUTDOWN. That's right, all problem solving goes out the window and they are done.

But problem solving doesn't have to be so SCARY. It doesn't have to be this way at all!

Every kiddo knows so much that they can build upon in any problem solving situation. And it is our great JOY to teach them how to!

Take a look at a couple of ways your kiddos can manipulate to solve the Halloween problem below. All hands-on and full of math reasoning!

If they get stuck, use what they know and build on from there! Math Stackers meets them where they are!

Get rid of all of those problem solving SPOOKS and see only faces of triumphant, problem solving SUCCESS!

Want to experience this type of amazing, hands-on discovery in your school? Need a quote to submit for your purchase order? Access our automatic quote form here: Math Stackers Quote Form.

A Math Thinker Learning System was used to solve this featured problem.


K-2nd Problem Solving: Earning Money (+, x)


K-2nd : TRICK OR TREATING (+, -)