3rd-5th Problem Solving: Babysitting (×, -, ÷)

Nothing makes our teacher-hearts happier than when our kiddos experience that amazing feeling of success after persevering through a challenge!

You know the one.

The "A-ha! I-did-it-I-did-it-I-did-it!!!" feeling usually accompanied by fists in the air and a few celebratory jumps.

Yep, that's the goal and the problem we are sharing today, along with your Math Stackers, is just the challenge to bring this oh-so-good feeling to your classroom!

There are many different ways kids reason through a problem like the one below! We are just showcasing 2 ways.

Increase their math reasoning oodles and allow them the freedom to build until they find a solution!

How would your kiddos solve this problem?

Look at all of that reasoning! I mean just gaze upon all of those beautiful math connections!

This is what happens when you build math thinking with Math Stackers! If you don’t yet have a learning system, get a quote for your school today! Click here for our quote form.

A Math Thinker Learning System was used to investigate this problem.


K-2nd Problem Solving: Fall Reading Challenge (+)


K-2nd Problem Solving: Earning Money (+, x)