3rd-5th Problem Solving: Holiday Garlands (÷, ×)

t's the most wonderful crafting time of the year!

How many times have you set out to make the world's most beautiful wreaths, cookies, or garlands and then get halfway into the project and lo' and behold...there aren't enough supplies!!!

Let's save our kids from multiple trips to Michaels, Hobby Lobby or Home Depot and teach them to use the POWER OF MATH, with the help of Math Stackers, to make their future festive projects a smooth operation! 😂

Have your kiddos try this problem out and see all of the different ways they will find a solution with their Math Stackers!!!

Want to use this problem in your class, download the PDF version here!

Don't yet have Math Stackers Learning Systems? Get your grade level or school building math thinkers like never before! Get your quote now! Math Stackers Quote Form.

When your kiddos have Math Stackers, they have the freedom to MOVE the math around in a way that makes sense for them...which is what Math Thinking is all about!!!

They also get to learn from their classmates models and explanations, seeing that math is an active exploration of their world and THEY are the ones in charge! 👍

Let us know about all of the math thinking you are building in your class! Email your stories to support@mathstackers.com. Seriously, hearing your stories of building math thinkers is our absolute favorite part!

*A Math Thinker Learning System was used to investigate this real-world-problem.


K-2nd Problem Solving: Holiday Tree Topper (+, comparison)