Ten Frames with Math Stackers

Use your Math Stackers to build math thinking with Ten Frames! Why use ten frames in your early education setting? This strategy is great way to develop number around values up to 20 and also sets the stage for number reasoning involving place value.


Benefits of building Ten Frames:

  • develops math thinking within the value of ten

  • helps kiddos see and understand values + link them to the abstract numerals

  • is a model to compose & decompose numbers in relation to 10 and 5

  • reinforces the ability to instantly recognize a value, or subitize

  • by building the ten frames, your students are interacting with the math and physically feeling the value

How to build ten frames with Math Stackers?

Step 1: Put two 5-blocks together.

Ten Frames set up.jpg

Step 2: Identify the number. This can be done in so many ways: see the number on a picture, magazine, posted in the classroom, roll a die to get a number, use an app to randomly generate a number.

Step 3: Build the number with the Math Stackers ten frames. If the number is larger than 10, build as many ten frames as needed. (A class set can build up to 4 ten frames.)

Ten Frames stacking.png

Step 4: Record your model and check to make sure it matches. (*His matches, he just knocked one off with his elbow ;).)

Ten Frames - 7a.jpg

There you have it, try it out with your kiddos today and build math thinkers!

To see our class sets of Math Stackers, click here.

Happy Math Stacking!


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